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Based on JSON Table Schema, @easycrud/server package is able to generate RESTful style APIs for performing CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations on resources.


Based on a JSON Table Schema, the generated resource endpoints are:

{resource} is alias or name of the table.

  • GET /all_{resource}

    Get all resources without pagination. Depends on size of the table, this endpoint may returns a large dataset.

  • GET /{resource}?[page=n&pageSize=m&orderBy=columnKey[,(asc|desc)]]

    Get a collection resource with pagination. The default value of pageSize is 20. If a column key is specified in orderBy, the result will be sorted by the column. The default sort order is desc if not specified.

  • GET /{resource}/:pk

    Get a singleton resource by primary key.

  • POST /{resource}

    Create a new resource.

  • PUT /{resource}/:pk

    Update a resource by primary key.

  • DELETE /{resource}/:pk

    Delete a resource by primary key.

Primary Keys

For the table has multiple primary keys, a singleton resource can be accessed using /{resource}/:pk1/:pk2/....


To create/update a resource, the POST and PUT methods send JSON data with header Content-Type: application/json. The request data is required to put into the field data.

  "data": {
    "key": "value"

The endpoint for retriving a collection resource can be appended query parameters to filter the result.

=Equal tofield:eq=value or field=value
<> or !=Not equal tofield:ne=value
>Greater thanfield:gt=value
>=Greater than or equal tofield:gte=value
<Less thanfield:lt=value
<=Less than or equal tofield:lte=value
INTo specify multiple possible values for a columnfield:in=value1,value2,value3
LIKESearch for "%value%"field:like=value
BETWEENTo specify a range of values for a columnfield:btw=value1,value2


All endpoints return the standard data format in JSON:

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "data": []

Column Keys

When sending request data or receiving response data, the column keys follow the priority below:

  • Use the alias of the column if it is set.
  • Use the formatted name of the column. See Column Formatter for details.
  • Use the name of the column.


Suppose we have such a JSON Table Schema:

  "columns": [
      "name": "id",
      "type": "int",
      "length": 11,
      "primary": true,
      "autoIncrement": true
      "name": "username",
      "type": "varchar",
      "length": 256,
      "nullable": false,
      "comment": "username"
      "name": "password",
      "type": "varchar",
      "length": 512,
      "nullable": false,
      "comment": "password"
  "indexes": {
    "idx_user": {
      "column": "username",
      "unique": true

The generated APIs will be:

  • GET /all_users[?username=xxx] get all users without pagination.
  • GET /users?page=1&pageSize=10[&username=xxx] get users with pagination.
  • GET /users/:id get a user by id.
  • POST /users create a user.
  • PUT /users/:id update a user by id.
  • DELETE /users/:id delete a user by id.

Released under the MIT License.