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Server Options

Options available within @easycrud/server for JSON Table Schema:

export type TableOperate = 'read' | 'create' | 'update' | 'delete';

interface Permission {
   * The name of the columns where values are used for permission check.
  column: string | string[];
   * Operations that require permission check.
  operates: TableOperate[];
   * The method of the permission check.
  method?: 'equal' | 'include'

export interface TableOptions extends BaseTableOptions {
   * The options for configuring table-level permissions.
  tablePermission?: Permission;
   * The options for configuring row-level permissions.
  rowPermission?: Permission;


Table Permission

Row Permission

Row Permission means that users can only operate the records of the table that they have permission to. This feature configured by rowPermission option of the table schemas.

// Example of a table schema
  // ...
  "options": {
    "rowPermission": {
      "column": "username",
      "operates": ["read", "update", "delete"]
  • column: string | string[]

    The name of the columns where values are used for permission check. It can be a string or an array of strings. The program retrives the value of the column(s) from rows to compare with the return value of getUserPermission function. See also getUserPermission.

  • operates: TableOperate[]

    Operations that require permission check. It can be read, update or delete. For each opeartion, the program will use the return value of getUserPermission and build where clauses to filter the records.

    For read operation, the result will only contain the records that the user has permission to. For update and delete operations, the count of affected row is expected to be zero if the user has no permission to operate the record.

    If read is not included in operates, but update or delete requires permission check. The records of response data of read operation like all, paginate, show will be appended with a property forbid to indicate whether the user has permission to operate the record.

      "forbid": {
        "update": false,
        "delete": true
  • method?: 'equal' | 'include'

    The method of the permission check. Default is equal. It can be equal or include.

    • equal: The return value of getUserPermission function should be equal to the value of the column(s).

    • include: The return value of getUserPermission function should be included in the value of the column(s).

    For example, if the return value of getUserPermission is {username: 'admin', status: 1}, the value of the column username is admin;super; and the value of the column status is 1, the permission check will be failed if method is equal. But it will be passed if method is include.

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